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Since 1983, New England teens report that our Summer Leadership Program has changed their lives in dramatic ways.

You're probably here because a friend or teacher recommended that you check it out - we agree! Keep reading to learn a little more about the program, and if you're still not convinced, check out the links to our FAQ page and testimonials from past participants.

We’re not here to tell youth what to think or do. Instead, we set the scene: inspiring leadership among teens by providing opportunities for self-development and personal growth during a week-long program offered in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire.


Each summer, we bring up to 100 high school students together from across the state and the wider New England area to participate in a week of experiential activities designed to help them explore their values, relationships and coping strategies, and connect with their own inner strength while connecting with other amazing young people.

During the Summer Leadership Program, participants will:


  • celebrate their own uniqueness

  • enhance their ability to make a difference in their lives and communities


  • learn skills that set them apart as role models and confident leaders in their communities


  • feel the freedom of a "fresh start" in a new community, and have the opportunity to make lifelong connections with young people outside their home communities


  • recognize and challenge common misconceptions about alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use


  • learn practical resistance skills for dealing with peer and media pressure to engage in alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use


  • examine their self-image and its effects on their behavior


  • set goals and keep track of their personal progress


  • identify everyday decisions and how others may influence them


  • learn to analyze problem situations and consider the consequences and alternate solutions before making a decision


  • identify ways to reduce stress and anxiety


  • learn to look at personal challenges in a positive light.

Summer Leadership Program

is happening
August 4 - 9th
at Lions Camp Pride in New Durham, NH
Scholarships Available!

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